Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today we also drove around the city of Accra and were able to experience the uniqueness of the culture. It was interesting to be driving on the highway next to a BMW while at the same time looking at the side of the road and seeing tin scrap houses with dirt side roads. It is also part of their culture for mothers to carry their babies on their back, buckets/coolers/or any item for that matter on their head, and to be able to shop right from your car window driving down the highway.

The pictures below are of the Mental Health Hospital we toured today in Accra. It is one of three in the entire country of Ghana. The inpatient capacity is 600, but currently houses 1200 patients in 23 different units. There are 3 employed doctors, 200 nurses and on a typical day the nurse to patient ratio is 1 nurse to over 200 patients.

Our first Hotel, Afia Beach Hotel

Taryn and I are roommates...waiting in the lobby for the key to our hut!

On the beach in front of our hotel.

On Wednesday we spent a little time walking around Accra. This is a picture of the crowded open air market. Can't see much, but more pictures to come.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This is the road leading to our hotel, except when we came in Tuesday night it was dark. We were a little skeptical about what our first hotel was going to be like.